Life, transition, & ceremony

Religious systems were the traditional keepers of ceremonies marking transitions from one stage of life to another. However, for the many who have abandoned traditional religious institutions, ceremony, too, has often largely dropped from their lives.

But meaningful ceremony does not need religion! Big-hearted, thoughtful care and consideration is all the foundation ceremony needs.

Planning and holding ceremonies allows us to effectively step out of ordinary time and space, and affords us an objective consideration of the meaning of the transition, not only for honorees, but for their friends and family too.

Vermont Celebrants can support you with a ceremony for occasions such as:

Baby Naming


Coming of Age

Gender Transition

Blending Families



Renewal of Vows

Milestone Birthday


New Home/Home Sale

Organization/Corporate Transition

Terminal Diagnosis

Remission Milestone

Pet’s Death


Consulting and Creation/Officiation services available.